Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 1 Pre-Assessment

Module 1 Pre-Assessment

Q Please answer each/all of the following five (5) questions (2 points each, 10 points total): 1. Discuss probability sampling. Why is it important? How could not using probability sampling affect the goals of research? 2. Why is replication important in research? What are the benefits of studies that can be replicated? What are the disadvantages when studies cannot be replicated? 3. Discuss the four levels of measurement. What are the dangers to misidentifying a level of measurement? 4. Discuss the concept of causality. Why are the three requirements for causality important, and how is omitted variable bias relevant to the three requirements for causality? 5. Discuss the relationships between frequency, proportion, percentage, and rate. What is the advantage of converting a frequency to one or more of the other measures?

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Probability sampling means that in a group of many people, all of them have a minimal chance of being chosen. The sampling technique is used in quantitative research when a researcher wants to produce data representing the entire population. It has several advantages. It is cost-effective and time-saving (Etikan, 2017). It saves time when one assesses a population based on the numbers assigned to the samples and selection of random numbers, and it is also straightforward. Probability sampling is easy since the process involved is not complicated. It is also quick, and it saves time. The time saved is due to rapid analysis of data and concluding.